1. Scope of Application
1.1 These GTC apply to all contracts between Madelines Studio e.U., Veste Rohr 2e, 2500 Baden, and the respective clients.
1.2 By using the services of Madelines Studio e.U., the client accepts these GTC.
2. Subject matter of the Service
2.1 Madelines Studio e.U. offers graphic design services according to the individual agreements with the client.
2.2 The specific services are defined in the offer of Madelines Studio e.U..
2.3 Services that are necessary to achieve the agreed service objective shall be deemed to be included, even if they have not been explicitly mentioned.
3. Provision of Services
3.1 Madelines Studio e.U. shall provide the agreed services to the best of its knowledge and in compliance with all statutory provisions.
3.2 All work equipment required for the fulfillment of the order shall be provided by Madelines Studio e.U.. The client shall not be entitled to any additional claims for this.
4. Duration of contract and termination
4.1 The contract term is indefinite and can be terminated by either party subject to a notice period of three months to the end of the month.
4.2 Premature termination of the contract for good cause remains unaffected by this.
5. Remuneration for services
5.1 The remuneration for the services provided shall be agreed individually. Invoicing shall be in accordance with the flat-rate fee or on an hourly basis according to the offer.
5.2 If the client calls up less than the agreed hours, the flat-rate fee shall remain due in full.
5.3 Additional services that exceed the agreed hours shall be charged separately and require the consent of the client.
6. Terms of Payment
6.1 Invoices from Madelines Studio e.U. are to be transferred to the specified account within 7 days of the invoice date.
6.2 Invoices shall be issued in electronic form by e-mail and all legal requirements shall be taken into account.
7. Intellectual Property and Rights of Use
7.1 Madelines Studio e.U. grants the client a right of use to the work results provided, unlimited in time and content, which is included in the agreed remuneration.
7.2 The Client shall be entitled to transfer these rights of use to third parties and to make edits.
7.3 As far as possible, Madelines Studio e.U. shall ensure that all necessary rights to use the work results can be transferred.
8. Confidentiality and Data Protection
8.1 Madelines Studio e.U. undertakes to treat all information received from the client within the framework of the contractual relationship as confidential.
8.2 The work results may be published as a reference, e.g. on the website or in other media of Madelines Studio e.U., provided that no confidential information of the client is affected.
9. Liability and Warranty
9.1 Madelines Studio e.U. shall only be liable for damages caused by gross negligence or intent.
9.2 The client is obliged to check the delivered services for defects and to report any complaints to Madelines Studio e.U. immediately.
10. Final Provisions
10.1 Austrian law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
10.2 For all disputes arising from this contractual relationship, the competent court in Vienna Alsergrund is agreed.
10.3 Should any provision of these GTC be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
11. Amendments and Written Form
11.1 Amendments and additions to these GTC must be made in writing. This also applies to changes to the written form requirement itself.